Fee Structure

Fee Structure

  • No fee and funds upto 8th class for both boys and girls.
  • No tuition fee from girl students.
  • SC/ST boys are also exempted from Tuition Fee.
  • Funds will be charged half from SC/ST students both boys and girls.
  • No Tuition fee will be charged from all boy-students belonging to Muslims/Christians/OBC, Physically & mentally challenged, wards of Freedom-Fighters, Ex-servicemen, Widows, divorcees having family income below the limit of Rs. 1.5 lac.
  • Boy-students of all rural schools will also be exempted from half tuition fee if they provide a proof of residence and of income limit below Rs. 1.5 lac per annum.

Nature of Fee/Fund 9 & 10 11 & 12
Admission Fee (once) 5.00 25.00
Re-admission fee -- 17.00
Late SLC fee 1.00 1.00
Tuition Fee (pm) 15.00 50.00
Funds (Annual)
Library Security (Refundable) 125.00
Magazine 87.00
Excursion 12.00 67.00
Identity Card -- 12.00
Dilapidation -- 25.00
Building 15.00 30.00
Club/Society -- 25.00
Voc./Guidance -- 15.00
Sports 7.00 27.00
Examination/Stationery 25.00 50.00
Funds (Monthly)
Amalgamated 12.00 17.00
Audio Visual 2.00 3.00
Red Cross 2.00 3.00
Health 2.00 3.00
Child Welfare 2.00 7.00
Work Experience 5.00 7.00
Cycle 2.00 3.00
Scooter/Moped -- 7.00
Voc. Sub. Fund -- 17.00
Chemistry/Physics/Bio/Music/Dance H.Sc/F.Arts/Geog/Computer Sc. (Per Subject) -- 15.00
Science Fund 6.00 --